Electrical issues are some of the most common problems that homeowners deal with. Unlike a squeaky door or a leaking tap, electrical faults can be serious safety concerns for you and your family. While the occasional outage or power surge is nothing to worry about, frequent issues can indicate problems with your wiring. It’s always a good idea to contact an experienced electrician if you think there may be a serious problem. We’ve listed some common electrical problems that you might come across in your home.
Malfunctioning lights can be incredibly frustrating. If you’re dealing with flickering lights, unreliable switches or issues with brightness, don’t hesitate to call in an expert. Faulty lights are one of the most common electrical problems that homeowners experience and are often caused by shoddy installation. An experienced electrician should have no problem fixing up your lighting system.
There are many possible causes behind a power surge - faulty wiring, thunderstorms, or even your own appliances. While a single power surge isn’t anything to worry about, frequent surges can cause serious damage to your wiring and electrical appliances. To save yourself time, money and stress in the long term, it’s a good idea to call in an expert . It can be difficult to determine the cause behind a power surge, so it’s always best to work with a trusted electrician.
We’ve all experienced a dip or sag in electrical supply - often when trying to watch TV! Like surges, dips in power can have many different causes. Using cheap devices made with shoddy materials can lead to frequent dips in power, so it’s always best to invest in quality products. Appliances that use a huge amount of power like tools or large appliances can also result in a dip in power.
A circuit breaker is designed to prevent damage to your appliances and wiring. When your breaker trips, it means it’s doing its job. However, there might be another issue to blame if you find your circuit breaker is tripping a little too frequently. One of the most common causes of tripping breakers is an overloaded power board. Make sure you spread your power use around the home - don’t charge all your devices in one room. Avoid connecting multiple power boards together, as this can also cause your circuit breaker to trip.
No one likes getting bills - especially if they’re pricier than expected! Make sure you’re switching off your appliances and devices when they’re not in use. Even appliances in standby mode can use a significant amount of energy. If you see a sudden jump in the cost of your electricity, it could indicate an issue with your electrical system. Damaged wiring or circuits can result in your bills creeping up, so make sure you get a qualified electrician to take a look.
You shouldn’t have to deal with frequent electric issues around your home. Contact the experts at Christchurch Electrical today on 03 366 1718 for a quick and easy solution to all your electrical concerns.